ESRC Seminar 3 | The Politics of Food and Nutrition

ESRC Seminar 3 | The Politics of Food and Nutrition

ESRC Seminar Series
“The Politics of Food and Nutrition: Resilience, Security and Justice in a Global Context”
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, Edinburgh
Wednesday, 4 February 2015

This seminar brought together academics, policy-makers and civil society organizations to discuss and examine the multiple socio-economic, environmental and health-related dimensions of food and nutrition. It explored inter-scale connections, from Scotland and the UK to the international context, and specifically addressed the following questions:

How are nutrition and food questions mediated by social and political inequalities?
What are the prospects for food security in the current agri-food context?
What roles do alternative responses and movements play in challenging food cultures?
Does current policy-making adequately address the politics of food, health and nutrition?


Antonio Ioris- Welcome by the Future of our Food research team

Keynote speaker: Mike Small, Fife Diet


The Complexity of Nutrition and Food Production

Cesar Revoredo- Scotland's Rural College


Wendy Wrieden- Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University


Trends, problems and alternatives

Liz Dinnie- Foodscapes Project, James Hutton Institute


Bill Gray- Community Food and Health Scotland, NHS Health Scotland


Pete Ritchie- Nourish Scotland


Policy making and future prospects

Video session organised by University of Edinburgh graduate students

Valeria Skafida- University of Edinburgh


Peter Faassen de Heer- Diet Policy, Scottish Government


Robin Gourlay- Scottish Government


Rapporteurs’ summaries (University of Edinburgh graduate students)

General discussion


The Future of our Food is a major new seminar series funded by the UK Economic and Social Sciences Research Council. It brings people together to jointly explore emerging challenges in agriculture and food in the UK and globally. Each seminar explores themes of resilience, sustainability, nutritional security, public health, well-being and justice in the food system.

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