We are delighted to announce the publication of a short document outlining how food hubs can help revitalise local economies. The Guidance Note is aimed at hub operators, local food entrepreneurs, third sector workers, policy makers and funders who are interested in strengthening the infrastructure of local food systems. It summarises our recommendations on what food hubs can do, how they can do it, and what works and what doesn’t when it comes to setting them up and keeping them going.
The Guidance Note draws on the Discussion Paper ‘Food Hubs in the UK: Where are we and what next?’, published by the FRC in August 2019. The Discussion Paper, written by Paola Guzman and Christian Reynolds, was based on stakeholder workshops organised in collaboration with the civil society network Sustainable Food Cities; a review of academic literature on food hubs in the US -were they have been extensively studied – and findings from food hub user and operator surveys in the US and the UK.
Read the Guidance Note, and find out more about our work on Food Hubs.
Read about our work on ‘Driving local progress on sustainable food’.